Permission to Live Wild and Free

Katy McManus
2 min readAug 1, 2021

We come into this world as a unique spark of divine essence, unblemished, full of potential, and free from limitation. This 3D world on Earth, however, can be a tricky and dangerous place to navigate for such an innocent, pure being.

For this reason, we come into families, societies, and cultures to teach us scripts and programs for surviving and functioning in this 3rd dimensional space and time of density and physical limitation. We learn what to eat, how to eat, and when to eat. We learn how to regulate these bodies and how to recognize situations that could be harmful to our well-being. During these early, formative years, we experience the joy of living in these bodies on this beautiful planet, having our basic needs met while we get to experience the joy of just being alive.

Then the taming begins……

We are taught:
- which behaviors are right and which ones are wrong
- the shoulds of family and societal expectations
- laws, crimes, punishments
- appropriate fashion and body image
- appropriate jobs and families
- appropriate beliefs about God, religion, and government
- science, but only that that can be proven, measured and repeated
- language, which always reflects culture
- his story, but never her story

As all the education, rules, appropriateness, and expectations are driven into us, the original joy of life is often driven out of us. We, the unfettered soul, become tamed, just like the wild horses who once ran free are captured, broken, saddled, and expected to trot in their caged arenas. We come to accept life as a series of making the right choices and doing the things we should do as responsible adults. Adulting becomes heavy and serious, causing the heart’s joy to deaden.

In an instant, however, that can all change when we realize that right is not real and should is a cage. There really are no rules except the ones we accept.

My wish for you is to remember that only love is real, and love feels light and free! May you break free from the cage of shoulds and the taming that comes from others’ expectations. May you accept and follow the joy of your heart and give yourself permission to live wild and free!



Katy McManus

Teacher, Minister, Healer, Counselor, Celebrant, Priestess, Mystic